17 Mart 2010 Çarşamba


Studying abroad is the act of a student pursuing educational opportunities in a foreign country. Typically, classes taken while studying abroad award credits transferable to University education institutions in the home country; however, students may pursue these opportunities at any age and may not require pre-entrance exams. Students studying abroad may live in a dormitory or apartment, the lowest cost of living in Europe, with other students or with a "host family", a group of people who live in that country and agree to provide student lodging. Topics of study can vary. All students choose to study abroad in order to learn a language from native speakers. But in BULGARIA, a Full member of European Union, it is compulsory to take classes in their academic major in a place that allows them to expand their hands-on experience (e.g. someone who’s studying Engineering( 4200 Euros/year) or Medical Sciences(6500 Euros/year) studying abroad in BULGARIA in English or a student of sustainable development living and studying in a remote town in BULGARIA). Still other students may study abroad in order to explore topics within the framework of a different European educational system (e.g. a student of English who goes to the United States to study American literature pays much hıgher fees and monthly expenses). Higher education refers to a level of education that is provided by State universities, vocational universities, community colleges, liberal arts colleges, institutes of technology and other collegiate level institutions, that award academic degrees or professional EU recognised certifications. Vocational Main articles: Vocational university, Vocational school, and Technical school Higher vocational education and training takes place at the university as tertiary level. Such education combines teaching of both practical skills and theoretical expertise. Higher education differs from other forms of post-secondary education such as that offered by institutions of vocational educations which are more colloquially known as trade schools. Higher vocational education might be contrasted with education in a usually broader scientific field, which might concentrate on theory and abstract conceptual knowledge. A Vocational university is an institution of higher education and sometime research, which grants Professional degrees like Professional Bachelor's degree, Professional Master's degree and Professional doctorates) in a variety of subjects.There are vocational universities in Applied sciences and Applied arts.
The monthly expenditure of a student is around 350 Euros/month,and the diploma is recognised all over the world including 27 member countries with total population of 500 million citizens.
For further information, dont hesitate to contact:
Study abroad consultant for TURKEY-BULGARIA and CYPRUS
E-mail: atomery@hotmail.com or atomery@gmail.com

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